Fuelish Food Policies

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that mis-guided government policies on global warming were going to cause a crisis in food.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that subsidising ethanol, taxing carbon fuels and covering grasslands and farms with trees would cause massive dislocation of rural industries and shortages and runaway prices for food.

Climate Pornography

By Rocky Wood

Australian of the Year Tim Flannery attempted to scare the horses recently by baldly claiming greenhouse gases are now at levels far higher than has ever been publicly admitted before. Is this a cry of warning from an eco-warrior or yet another blast of climate-porn from one of the world’s leading climate pornographers?

Traditionally pornographers produce material their audience may regard as obscene, or at least titillating. Climate pornographers produce material that is obscene, regardless of your viewpoint – extremist, alarmist and designed to frighten regardless of the facts, or the reasonable conclusions to be drawn from the information to hand.

The Conscience of a Celebrity

By Rocky Wood

Have you ever wondered if celebrities have a conscience? Whether they consider their impact of their words and deeds in much the way as the common man? Let’s investigate that matter in the context of the raging debate over climate change.

Did you tune into the Live Earth concerts promoted by Al Gore on the catchy date of 7/7/07? No? Well, you certainly heard of them, thanks to the free time given by the media. Concerts on seven continents, headlined by Madonna, Genesis and the Black Eyed Peas. Concerts designed to arouse awareness of the apparent threats of climate change and global warming.

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