The Biofuel Curse
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), President Obama, and hisadministration think that alternative energy sources (like wind and solarpower) and biofuels in particular are the salvation from “climate change,”previously called “global warming.”
They view “carbon pollution” (a misnomer, as they actually mean carbondioxide, CO2) as the root cause of the current economic and environmentalmalaise in general. That’s why they blessed the nation with the “RenewableFuel Standard.”
I think the opposite is true; neither CO2 nor the “carbon footprint” is thecause of today’s many problems. In fact, the world today would be muchbetter off if that nonsense had never become a political football.
By Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Dr. Kaiser is author of CONVENIENT MYTHS, the green revolution –
perceptions, politics, and facts
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