Global warming to take a cold shower in New York next week.

The Carbon Sense Coalition (“Carbon Sense”) based in Australia is supporting an International Conference on the Science of Global Warming in New York next week (2-4th March 2008).

This conference, sponsored by The Heartland Institute of Chicago, is co-sponsored by 19 other organisations all over the world including the Carbon Sense Coalition.

Submission to Garnaut Review – Do Thy Patient no Harm

Carbon Sense Coalition submission to the Garnaut Review, Do Thy Patient no Harm [PDF 27KB].

Climate Change Re-examined

Here is an article, Climate Change Re-examined, [PDF, 382 KB] from the Journal of Scientific Exploration, by Joel M. Kauffman, Emeritus, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.

Keep it Simple, Stupid

Keep it Simple, Stupid [PDF, 27KB] – a Response to the Proposals from the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change for a National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System.

Submission to the Garnaut Review by Ian McClintock

The text of Ian McClintock’s submission: McClintock Garnaut Submission[PDF, 55KB]

Time for an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on Global Warming

A group of Australian and New Zealand organisations and scientists today called on the governments of Australia and New Zealand to set up an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on the Science of Global Warming (to be known as “The ANZIG Royal Commission” – the Australia New Zealand Inquiry into Global Warming).

The chairman of Australia’s Carbon Sense Coalition, Mr Viv Forbes, said that many groups and individuals in Australia and New Zealand had listened with alarm and disbelief to plans of both governments to saddle their people and industries with the burdens of carbon taxes and the risks of carbon trading which he described as “an open invitation to massive fraud”.

Full text here: Time for an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on Global Warming [PDF, 28KB]

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