The Great Carbon Dioxide Tax and Trading Game

By Viv Forbes

“Emissions Trading” is a fancy name for a tax on all carbon based emissions produced by human activities. It should be called “The Carbon Dioxide Tax”. But the ETS also creates permits to emit hot air. These will become new toxic assets for under-employed speculators looking for profitable new trading toys. This makes it “The Great Carbon Dioxide Tax and Trading Game”.

Read the full document here. [PDF, 134KB]

The History & Future of “Carbon Sense” – a personal explanation

By Viv Forbes

“I have not gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” – Douglas Adams

The current hysteria about man-made global warming, which is focussed almost exclusively on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, exceeds by a large margin any political movement any of us have experienced in our life time. Originating with a few long-term Green extremists and serial doom merchants in USA and Europe, it now engrosses the world’s politicians and media. Huge funds are being diverted to the cause, and the smell of easy money from carbon taxes, energy subsidies, carbon credits, mindless construction jobs and research funds has corrupted science, politics, industries, aid agencies, the media and whole nations.

Three specific incidents motivated me to get involved in this battle.

Read the full document. [PDF, 116KB]

Slippery Green Words

By Alan Caruba

Every so often The New York Times slips up and lets some truth appear on its hallowed and vastly over-rated pages.

Such was the case on May 2nd when reporter John M. Broder wrote “Seeking to Save the Planet, With a Thesaurus.” As he put it in the first sentence, “The problem with global warming, some environmentalists believe, is ‘global warming.’” This is a very real problem, especially when the word is getting out that the planet has been cooling for a decade.

The problem worsens for them as word leaks that the ice at the North Pole is a lot thicker than earlier suspected—something that does not happen if it’s supposed to be melting. And the same holds for the South Pole whose ice is growing, along with many of the world’s glaciers.

An Irrational Fear of Carbon

Robert D. Brinsmead
August 2008

We appear to have entered a new age of unreason… It is from this, above all, that we really need to save the planet. Nigel Lawson

It is widely believed that the carbon emissions of our modern industrial civilization will cause catastrophic global warming. It is called anthropogenic [man-made] global warming (AGW). Media headlines and political chatter have become obsessed with carbon. There is endless talk of carbon emissions, carbon pollution, carbon footprint, carbon offsets, carbon rationing, carbon tax and carbon trading.

We need a new word to encompass all this alarmism about carbon. The word that readily suggests itself is carbophobia. It means “an irrational fear of carbon.”

Read the full document. [PDF, 163 KB]

Carbon Capture and Burial – a Stupid Answer to a Silly Question

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called on the Australian Federal Parliament to stop playing Global Warming politics and focus instead on the irresponsible damage being contemplated by the Cap-N-Tax promises.

In testimony this week to the New Zealand Parliamentary Enquiry into the ETS, the Chairman of Carbon Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that it was impossible to achieve the gigantic cuts in carbon dioxide emissions suggested by various western governments without a crash program of Carbon Capture and Burial (CCB). He expanded on those comments today:

“There is no evidence that CCB would provide any climate or environmental benefits whatsoever – just a huge misuse of investment capital and a massive increase in the cost of living for any society silly enough to tread this path.”

Read the full document here. [PDF, 28KB]

Submission to ETS Review Select Committee, NZ

Here is the Carbon Sense Coalition’s submission addressing two Terms of Reference of the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme Review Select Committee: those
referring to “the impact on the New Zealand economy” and “the
relative merits of a mitigation or an adaptation approach”.
Download the report here. [PDF, 26KB]

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