New Green Shoes from Nike – Thank God for Carbon

So Nike is now making green shoes to be a fashion statement about our carbon footprint.

I bet that the shoes are made of carbon like nearly every product man has ever produced including all clothing, whether natural or synthetic. Even when the good Lord (whether you think that is God, Gaia or Lady Chance) made life, carbon was used to do it, whether to make plants or animals. Even our DNA is made of carbon compounds, as is every part of every living thing.

If any element is to be declared sacred, it has to be carbon, considering the variety of its forms (allotropes), its great versatility and its adaptability. Carbon is used to make more compounds (especially organic compounds) than all other elements combined. We are not just made of carbon, but we actually eat it (carbo-hydrate) for energy. We depend on it to cook our food, to build our houses, to make our cars and other machinery (steel is made of iron and carbon) and to power them. If we need electrical insulation, we use a carbon product, and if we need a good conductor we also find it in a carbon product. We use carbon products to conduct heat or to insulate against heat. Not just life, but civilization, industrialization and modern communication networks could not exist without carbon just as our lives could not exist without the fourth most common element in the universe.

To demonize and make war on carbon is to demonize and make war on life itself. Since our very brains are not only made of carbon, but fuelled by carbon (mostly in the form of glucose), it is strange that thinking, conscious carbon should now turn around to make war on itself.

Our citizens as well as our school children have been so brainwashed by this anti-carbon/anti-human propaganda that many of them really think of carbon in terms of some ugly, black, toxic pollutant that now requires a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. Neither carbon or carbon-dioxide is a pollutant, but they are absolutely as natural and as fundamental to life as oxygen and hydrogen. Carbon is not just a girl’s best friend (diamonds are pure carbon) but carbon is life’s best friend.

Thank God for carbon!

Bob Brinsmead,
Duranbah, NSW 2487

New Zealand Global Warming Policies

“Anything we do as a nation will in itself have little impact on the climate. Our impact will be symbolic, moral and political”.

Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of New Zealand.

The Real Threat of Global Warming

“One hopes that science will prevail. It is the only way people can prevent the climate alarmists, backed by the media and the state, from carrying out their plan to ‘save the planet’.

“If not stopped, they will eventually establish global governance; dismantle modern technology; cripple industry; impose carbon rationing with radical reductions in the average American’s standard of living and quality of life; and inflict untold misery, suffering, and death for hundreds of millions of people around the world.”

Dr Donald W Miller (Dr Miller is a prominent cardiologist and Professor in Washington State, Seattle, USA).

Carbon Sense Newsletter: Computer Models, Climate Forecasts and other Dice Games

  1. Computer Models, Climate Forecasts and other Dice Games
  2. The Ins and Outs of Coal Fired Power Generation
  3. Watts Up with the Climate? Australian Tour
  4. Global Warming? Nothing New

The full newsletter: [PDF, 333 KB]

Watts Up with the Climate? Australian Tour

Anthony Watts, David Archibald and David Stockwell are touring Australia 12 June – 1 July 2010. Bob Carter will be speak at some venues.


The Science is Settled – Al Gore Says So

Dr Howard Hayden, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Connecticut has studied the 19 or so Global Circulation Models relied on by the IPCC to forecast world temperatures for the century ahead.

To date, not of them has got a forecast right, and they do not agree with one another. As Dr Hayden says:

“I have Just One Question: Which one of these models settled the science so that we can discard the rest and quit funding them?”

See Dr Hayden’s comparisons: [PDF, 3.6 MB]


The Ins and Outs of Coal Fired Power Generation

People find it amazing that the tonnage of gases produced by coal fired power
stations is far greater than the tonnage of coal burnt in that station. Magic
multiplication? No, it’s just chemistry.

Read on for more detail: [PDF, 36KB]

Carbon Capture & Burial – all Carbon Cemeteries are already Full

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for an end to the colossal waste of community resources and energy on research and development for “Carbon Capture and Burial”.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that billions of dollars are being wasted on sacrifices to the global warming god – endless bureaucracy, politicised research, piddling wind and solar schemes, roof insulation disasters, ethanol subsidies, carbon credit forests, carbon trading frauds and huge compliance costs.

“But perhaps the biggest waste of all is the futile quest to capture carbon dioxide from power stations, separate it, compress it, pump it long distances and force it down specially drilled bore holes, hoping it will never escape.”

The full document: [PDF, 85 KB]

Earth Day, Blackout Night

Personally I look at the stupid notion of Blackout Night, in honour of the planet.

We left our caves, our sod houses of the past to enjoy modern homes. I enjoy the thought that if I’m sick and require an operation the hospital has electricity 24 hours per day, seven days per week so that the surgeon and his team can fix me or my loved ones. I enjoy the thought that at 7pm at night I can turn on a television and watch it, in the comfort of my single family dwelling home. I enjoy the thought that if I want a beverage I can go to my frost free fridge and grab a beer. I enjoy the thought that my employer has electricity and indoor plumbing so that I can defecate in the safety of my closed off cubicle.

These modern fools of Mother Earth and modern Environmentalism want to return to the yesteryears of cave dwelling pre-human existence. All I’ve ever read about pre-modern living, and that’s not all too long ago, just 100 years ago. Most men died before the age of 50 years. Children died by the thousands because of infections, and poor health quality. You were considered old when you were over 40!

Turning out the Lights glorifies stupidity, and glamorizes the progressive liberal mentality about the so called “global village”. You know what, its one village I don’t want to belong too. I’ll take living in a single dwelling home, with electricity, and my beer fridge powered by coal fired plants with modern precipitators and scrubbers installed in the gas path cleaning up the grime.

Today’s environmentalist aren’t cleaning up the stacks – they’re socialists who can’t get elected at the ballot box but are hell bent to destroy our western society so that we fit into their social activist world of stupidity and failure.

Niagara, Canada

Published originally at:

Taxing the Outback

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that the Rudd Resource tax was just another in a long line of taxes helping to depopulate rural Australia.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that depopulation of the outback started with the fringe benefits tax and the removal of accelerated depreciation, both of which penalise companies who provide housing for employees.

“Every government since then has accelerated the drift to the coastal and capital cities.

“The heavy burdens of excessive fuel taxes, coal royalties, rail freights and infrastructure bottlenecks have for years restricted the development of the outback resource industry. Only deposits that are rich or close to the coast can pay their way, which is why the Galilee Basin has been undeveloped for so long.

“The vegetation control bans, water mismanagement and growth of carbon credit forests are depressing agriculture and will depopulate rural towns.

“Humans and their industries are also prohibited from vast areas of our land and sea sterilised by a confusing mixture of exclusion zones. And the lack and high cost of outback infrastructure has fed the fly-in mentality of industry and governments.

“Had the money wasted just on roof insulation been spent on new infrastructure, Australia would be a more decentralised and productive place.

“The climate alarmists urge still more carbon taxes and force the usage of expensive alternative energy. All outback industry relies almost totally on carbon fuels for motive power. None of our quad bikes, cars, trucks, road trains, tractors, dozers, trains, planes or ships are powered by solar panels or wind turbines – they need diesel, petrol, gas and electricity (from coal). And our biggest outback industries are focussed on exploring, developing, supplying or transporting carbon products. Coal, gas, oil, beef, sheep, dairy and timber are all threatened by more carbon taxes.

“The Rudd Resource tax is yet another centralising force, depressing outback industry and stimulating the population of drones around the government honey pots in Canberra. It increases the risk that the belated rush to build infrastructure will leave new trains without freight and new ports without ships.

“Taxes are creating ‘A Nation without a Heart’.”

PDF version: [10KB]

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