Today, 27th October 2010, is Climate Fools Day.
For the last 20 years politicians, jet-setting bureaucrats and vested interests have been plotting how to make Climate Fools of the western world, taxing industry and consumers to fund green schemes, carbon speculators and international wealth redistribution.
The fightback by sceptical scientists and public was greatly boosted on the first Climate Fools Day when, in October 2008, British politicians passed with little dissent “The Climate Change Bill” a piece of legislation that future generations will come to accept was “the most absurd Bill that this Parliament has ever had to examine”.
Since then, sceptics all over the world have exposed the lack of evidence, the manipulation of data, the misuse of scientific process, the corruption of vested interests and the powerful influence of natural factors in climate cycles.
Despite the now discredited projections of dangerous global warming, the globe itself has continued its normal weather defining cycles such as El Nino, La Nina, the Pacific Oscillations, the powerful solar cycles and the massive ebb and flow of oceans and atmosphere. On a longer time scale there is no evidence that the globe’s long history of recurrent ice ages and violent episodes of volcanic and earthquake activity have suddenly ceased.
Unfortunately, a whole generation of Climate Fools will have to be rooted out of our parliaments before Climate Sense reigns again. We will then see the massive flood of community resources currently being wasted on windmills, solar toys, alarmist junkets, silly subsidies and climate bureaucracy more sensibly directed towards preparation for coping with the real natural cycles of heat and cold, floods and droughts, cyclones and earthquakes, vulcanism and ice ages. We will then regret the destruction of industry and wastage of real energy opportunities now taking place.
Climate Fools Day will be celebrated today by organised meetings of sceptics in Westminster and Brisbane.
Brisbane: King George Square 12 noon. More info contact Tim Wells: timobrienwells@yahoo.co.uk
PS for more information on Climate Fools Day see:
And on the activities in Westminster:
Cabal of climate sceptics to descend on UK parliament: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2010/oct/25/climate-fools-day-sceptics-parliament
October 27th, 2010 |
Categories: Climate Fools Day, Meetings/Events |
Climate Sense
Copenhagen Climate Challenge
with Weather Action
and The Campaign Against Carbon Capitalism
invite you to
Climate fools’ day(in memory of the passing of the Climate Bill on 29.10.08)
organised through Sammy Wilson MP and supported by Graham Stringer MP.
Wednesday 27th October from 2pm to 4pm
House of Commons: Committee Room 16
Introduced by Jens Robdrup from Denmark, the founder of Climate Sense.There will be short presentations from:
Christopher Booker: “The most expensive Bill in History”
Piers Corbyn: “Successfully predicting extreme weather events”
Revd Philip Foster: “Climate reality: the long view”
followed by open discussion of the issues and where to take things on from here.We are delighted to welcome, Christopher Chope, David Davies and John Redwood. Also Peter Gill, physicist, Dr Ian Strangeways – expert in metorological thermometry, Hans Schreuder of mensa
More details: http://carbon-sense.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/climate-fools-day-invite.pdf [PDF, 59KB]
October 25th, 2010 |
Categories: Climate Fools Day, Meetings/Events |
The Carbon Sense Coalition today called on Australians and Americans to join the world in celebrating Climate Fools Day on October 27th.
The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that Climate Fools Day was named by protestors outside the British House of Commons on 27th October 2008 when the house was debating the Climate Bill.
Forbes explained: “As the first October snow in 70 years blanketed the House (and a big swathe of Europe), MP’s droned on about the need to fight global warming. “For six hours MP’s reassured one another about the desperate need to be the first government in the world to saddle its unfortunate people with a burden estimated at £15 billion a year. As snow continued to blanket Westminster, only two MP’s questioned the huge cost and dubious benefits from the energy taxes and green
energy rorts they were imposing.”
Read more: http://carbon-sense.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/climate-fools-day.pdf [PDF, 136KB]
October 24th, 2010 |
Categories: Climate Fools Day, Policy Issues |
The proposition that the average temperature of the earth’s surface is warming because of increased emissions of human-produced greenhouse gases cannot be tested by any known scientific procedure.
It is impossible to position temperature sensors randomly over the earth’s surface (including the 71% of ocean, and all the deserts, forests, and icecaps) and maintain it in constant condition long enough to tell if any average is increasing. Even if this were done the difference between the temperature during day and night is so great that no rational average can be derived.
Measurements at weather stations are quite unsuitable since they are not positioned representatively and they only measure maximum and minimum once a day, from which no average can be derived. They also constantly change in number, location and surroundings. Recent studies show that most of the current stations are unable to measure temperature to better than a degree or two
The assumptions of climate models are absurd. They assume the earth is flat, that the sun shines with equal intensity day and night, and the earth is in equilibrium, with the energy received equal to that emitted.
Half of the time there is no sun, where the temperature regime is quite different from the day.
No part of the earth ever is in energy equilibrium, neither is there any evidence of an overall “balance”.
It is unsurprising that such models are incapable of predicting future climate behaviour, even if this could be measured satisfactorily.
There are no representative measurements of the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide over any land surface, where “greenhouse warming” is supposed to happen.
After twenty years of study, and as expert reviewer to the IPCC from the very beginning, I can only conclude that the whole affair is a gigantic fraud.
Vincent Gray
Crofton Downs
Wellington, New Zealand
This letter was also published by Scientific American at:
October 24th, 2010 |
Categories: CO2 Greenhouse Science, Letters |
Those who seek the power to control all mankind will insist that the rest of us are the cause of every environmental calamity.
It’s as if a group of gnats riding on a elephant’s ass believed they were steering the beast.
Westport, Conn, USA
October 23rd, 2010 |
Categories: Letters, Policy Issues |
If someone says the moon is made of cheese, I don’t have to prove anything to justify my stance that I don’t believe it. He has to prove his case, and until he does so it’s just a theory, a fantasy. Likewise, the warmists have to prove their case. We don’t have to prove anything. They’ve had 30 or so years to prove their case but have failed.
John Rodda
Pakenham, Victoria
October 23rd, 2010 |
Categories: Letters |
Facts about termites and carbon dioxide:
- Termites produce more carbon dioxide each year than all living things combined.
- Termites alone produce ten times as much carbon dioxide as all the fossil fuels burned in the whole world in a year.
- Pound for pound, the weight of all the termites in the world is greater than the total weight of humans.
- Worldwide, termites may release over 150 million tons of methane gas into the atmosphere annually. In our lower atmosphere this methane then reacts to form carbon dioxide and ozone.
- For every human on Earth there may be 1,000 pounds of termites.
- On the average termites expel gas composed of about 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen.
- There are 2,600 different species of termites, and it is estimated that there are at least a million billion individual termites on Earth, that they emit two and four percent of the global carbon dioxide and methane budget, respectively-both mediated directly or indirectly by their microbes.
- The Science magazine reports that termites annually generate more than twice as much carbon dioxide as mankind does burning fossil fuels. One termite species annually emits 600,000 metric tons of formic acid into the atmosphere, an amount equal to the combined contributions of automobiles, refuse combustion and vegetation.
- The most socially destructive and dangerous termites (white ants), in Australia are the Laborous/Greenus variety infesting The Canberra Kremlin.
Maybe we need to tax them?
Ronald Kitching
North Rockhampton. QLD 4701. Australia.
October 23rd, 2010 |
Categories: Carbon tax, CO2 Greenhouse Science, Letters |
The Idle Wind
I have just been through the west of China on a Silk Road tour, and have seen thousands of wind turbines, with many not turning, and or lying on the ground.
Jock Allison
New Zealand
The Cost of the Idle Turbines
Some seem unable to grasp the fact that power stations have to be amortized whether they are running or not. The interest on the capital tied up must be included in the cost of power from the power stations that are running while the turbines are idle.
I wonder how many of them have driven east from San Francisco through the huge wind farms and noticed how many towers and turbines are lying on the ground, and thought about why they had not been repaired?
October 23rd, 2010 |
Categories: Letters, Wind Power |
Senator Bob Brown stated that his Greatest Achievement was blocking the Gordon-below-Franklin Hydro-Electric Scheme
In June 1982, Tasmania’s Parliament passed legislation approving the development of the Gordon-below-Franklin (GBF) scheme for a dam and 300 MW power station which would have generated annually well over 10 million MW hours of electricity, costing then only about 2 cents per KW hour.
The scheme was supported by Tasmanians and passed by both Houses of their Parliament. Construction commenced.
Tasmania’s Dr Bob Brown opposed the scheme based on the false assumption that the scenic Rock Island Bend would be flooded and therefore unseen by canoeists down the river. But this site would have been above the dam water level.
Then Dr Brown circulated a picture of Rock Island Bend, taken by Peter Dombrovski, and a false statement by the Tasmanian Wilderness Society which deluded the public into believing that the scheme should be abandoned. This caused the Federal Government Labor Party to refer the matter to the High Court, where three judges supported and three judges opposed the scheme. However, the seventh judge, Senator Lionel Murphy, opposed it. This enabled the Federal Government to use its External Powers to stop the scheme with the result that all this valuable water flows out to the sea.
The scheme would have obtained most of its water discharged from the Gordon Power Station, powered by water from the Lake Pedder and Gordon Dams which have a capacity of 16 million cubic meters (over three times the capacity of Snowy Hydro’s Lake Eucumbene). There is usually little flow from the Franklin River.
The GBF scheme is very economical and environmentally sound and is well worth supporting. It should be built regardless of the High Court decision and the possibility that it might lie within a World Heritage listed area.
I am deeply concerned by the damage, deliberately inflicted by Dr Bob Brown. To me, Dr Brown should be made to pay for the damage he has caused.
E.C. “George” Fox
PS This ‘blockage’ resulted in the Federal Government having to provide about $500 million for other more costly hydro-electric schemes.
3 August 2010
PDF version: http://carbon-sense.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/greens-oppose-green-power.pdf [PDF, 73KB]
October 13th, 2010 |
Categories: Letters |
Sent: Friday, 08 October 2010 17:19 Hal Lewis
From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society
6 October 2010
Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-century ago).
Indeed, the choice of physics as a profession was then a guarantor of a life of poverty and abstinence—it was World War II that changed all that. The prospect of worldly gain drove few physicists. As recently as thirty-five years ago, when I chaired the first APS study of a contentious social/scientific issue, The Reactor Safety Study, though there were zealots aplenty on the outside there was no hint of inordinate pressure on us as physicists. We were therefore able to produce what I believe was and is an honest appraisal of the situation at that time. We were further enabled by the presence of an oversight committee consisting of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf, and Hans Bethe, all towering physicists beyond reproach. I was proud of what we did in a charged atmosphere. In the end the oversight committee, in its report to the APS President, noted the complete independence in which we did the job, and predicted that the report would be attacked from both sides. What greater tribute could there be?
October 13th, 2010 |
Categories: Letters |
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