Back to the Dark Ages

The passage of the carbon tax bills today is no reason for celebration. It is a step back towards the dark ages.

Just a few generations ago, humans lived in a “green” world. There was no coal, oil or gas providing light, heat, transport and traction power.

In this green utopia, wood provided heat for cooking fires and forests were felled for charcoal for primitive metallurgy; farmers used wooden ploughs and harvested grain with sickles and flails; the nights were lit using candles and whale oil; rich people used wind and water power to grind cereals; horses and bullocks moved coaches, wagons and troops; there was no refrigeration and salt was the only preservative for meat.

Towns were tiny as the whole family was needed to work the farm. For most people, the daylight hours were filled with heavy labour to produce, preserve and transport food. There was no surplus to support opera, bureaucracy or academia.

Humanity was relieved from this life of unrelenting toil by carbon energy – steam engines and electricity, machines, tractors, cars, ships and planes.

Today the pagan green religion celebrates the first step in their long campaign to destroy industrial society and reduce population.

They should be careful what they wish for.

For example, just a few more bitter winters in Britain will see their wind powered lights going out.

A British observer once said of the Whitlam government: “Any fool can bugger up Britain, but it takes real genius to bugger up Australia”.

The Gillard-Green Government is showing the sort of genius needed to dim the lights in the lucky country.


  • UN IPCC – Serious Science or Green Activism?
  • Repeal the Carbon Tax? Yes We Can.
  • The New Global Warming Crisis
  • Green Insanity in Britain
  • Green Agenda Unravels

See: [PDF, 148 KB]

Alarming New Global Warming

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that a sudden bout of natural global warming was dwarfing all the scare forecasts of man-made warming.

The Chairman of Carbon Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that this recent warming was swift and dramatic but no one in the climate change department has even noticed this looming warming crisis.

“Since July, temperatures in Australia have soared by over six degrees centigrade. If current trends continue, we can expect another three degrees of warming by Christmas.

“This rapid warming has caused massive environmental disruption – alpine snow has melted, birds are migrating, there is an epidemic of weeds and we can expect more storms, cyclones, floods, mosquitoes and solar radiation burns.

“This is far more serious than the UN’s forecast of a piddling 1-2 degrees of warming over the next hundred years or so.

“What caused this dangerous new global warming?

“The old people called it ‘summer’ and they knew it was caused by the sun.

“Summer heat is generated by a slight increase in the solar radiation received at the surface, caused by cyclic changes in the positions of the sun in the sky. It is obvious that longer term solar cycles also dominate the climate. Even The Farmer’s Almanac knew that cycles in moon, planets and sunspots could be used to forecast the weather.

“However, since people started to let computers do their thinking, knowledge of climate cycles has been lost. We now let computer nerds and taxaholics tell us that the climate is controlled by minute traces of a harmless invisible natural gas exhaled with every breath, generated in every bushfire and exhausted wherever coal, oil and gas are burned. Some even believe that a tax on carbon dioxide will cool the world.

“It’s time we abandoned climate Cassandras with costly computers. There was more sense in The Farmer’s Almanac.

“And a tax on sunlight to reduce global warming makes as much sense as the Carbon Tax.”

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