Food Free Fridays Coming?

Once again, the high priests of the UN/IPCC have forecast world starvation unless we mend our wicked ways.

According to them, unless we curb our use of oil, gas, coal and meat, the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will soar, the globe will heat up, and food production will plummet.

This is just a rerun of their previous failed forecasts based on academic theories and computer models.

They should have asked practical nurserymen, farmers and meteorologists.

Nurserymen would tell them that if you pump carbon dioxide into a greenhouse the plants grow faster, bigger, more drought-tolerant and more heat-tolerant. Therefore more carbon dioxide will produce more food.

More, as well as:

  • Flood Plains are for Floods
  • Dr Patrick Michaels’ lecture tour on Climate Change.
  • No Global Warming for 17 years 8 months
  • Believe it or Not

Read the full report: [PDF, 161B]

Keywords: Forecasts of Doom, food, starvation, floods, flood plains, IPA, Patrick Michaels, global warming stops, baked beans cause flatulence and global warming.

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