Vote NO on Cap and Trade Carbon Tax

Dr. Heinz Lycklama (PhD in Nuclear Physics, McMaster University)

Earlier this year I started to look into the issue of Global Warming (GW) and attempted to understand why the issue had become such a controversial one. The general public has become attuned to the issue of GW and I (as an independent scientist) wanted to do my part in educating the public on the underlying science so that good public policy would be established. I assumed that science should be able to show the extent of GW and determine whether GW is due to man-made causes or to natural causes. Once we get the science right we would then know how to deal with GW. It turns out that things are a lot more complicated and unsettled than I thought they were. So I dug into the science behind GW much more thoroughly.

Read the complete document. [PDF, 139KB]

2009 International Conference on Climate Change

Hearland 2009

The proceedings of the second International Conference on Climate Change in New York will become available here:

Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus’ speech is on-line here:

A PDF version is here. [101 KB].

Several people have reports on the event:

Maggie Thauerskold:

Bob Carter:

Jennifer Marohasy:

“No Regrets” is the Best Policy

Manhattan Conference on Global Warming Indicates that “No Regrets” is the Best Policy.

The Carbon Sense Coalition based in Australia, says that the science and empirical evidence on Global warming is now clearly indicating that a “No Regrets” policy is the best course for the world to follow.

The Carbon Sense Coalition was one of the 52 organisations from 20 different countries which co-sponsored the recent International Conference on Climate Change in New York. Al Gore was invited to address the conference (he was even promised his $200,000 fee) but he declined to appear. Jim Hansen of NASA, another prominent alarmist, was also invited, but declined. (Contrast this with the Bali conference when a delegation of prominent sceptical scientists sought to present their petition to the UN. They were denied admission and refused an audience.)

Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change

“Global warming” is not a global crisis

We, the scientists and researchers in climate and related fields, economists, policymakers, and business leaders, assembled at Times Square, New York City, participating in the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,

From Climate Alarmism to Climate Realism – Václav Klaus

Speech by Hon Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic. March 4, 2008.

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like first of all to thank the organizers of this important conference for making it possible and also for inviting one politically incorrect politician from Central Europe to come and speak here. This meeting will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the moving away from the irrational climate alarmism to the much needed climate realism.

Global warming to take a cold shower in New York next week.

The Carbon Sense Coalition (“Carbon Sense”) based in Australia is supporting an International Conference on the Science of Global Warming in New York next week (2-4th March 2008).

This conference, sponsored by The Heartland Institute of Chicago, is co-sponsored by 19 other organisations all over the world including the Carbon Sense Coalition.

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