Energy Transition In France: Useless, Costly, Unfair

A letter from Pierre Bouteille

Dear friends from the English-speaking world,

Just to keep you abreast of what is going on in France…

You may have heard of the Yellow Vests, who triggered our president Macron into embarking on a “Grand Debate”, mainly on the internet. It is mostly a closed questionnaire with circular arguments on the most surreptitious ways to shoehorn the energy transition, without offering to question its legitimacy in the first place. However, looking closely at the fine print, contributors like associations can still express an open opinion.

On our side Rémy Prud’homme is an emeritus professor of economics, former consultant to the OECD, occasionally to the World Bank, and visiting professor at the MIT. As such he is our chief economist within the steering committee of the French Climato-Réalistes. He came up with the attached “ENERGY TRANSITION IN FRANCE: USELESS, COSTLY, UNFAIR”, initially in French of course. See: [PDF, 346 KB]

We thought you may like to know that we Froggies are enduring the same attacks as everywhere in the western world and that we like to voice our concern.

Sympathetically yours,

Pierre Bouteille, on behalf of the French Climato-Réalistes

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