Greenism Destroying Australia’s Ancient Grasslands

It’s the electoral season for green-money showers in Australia – the Coral Community got one billion dollars of green bribes from PM Morrison (this after $141M from ex-PM Turnbull just over 3 years ago). Koalas got $50M from Morrison whilst the Queensland Government bought a huge grazing property for yet another national park. And of course the Green Broadcasting Commission got an extra $3.3Billion over 3 years to promote their green agenda.

This flood of green graft aims to bribe green voters by molly-coddling trees and corals, both of which are among Australia’s long-term survivors. However, today’s greatest environmental destruction is being inflicted on Australia’s once-magnificent grasslands by those same urban greens. (more…)

New Book by Ian Plimer: “Green Murder”

Click the image to download the PDF which includes an order form. Or visit–Ian-Plimer_p_463.html

Science and Anti-Science: the Net Zero debate

By G M Derrick

The Net Zero steamrollers are now flattening all in their path, driven by global business and financial interests, the Business Council of Australia, a future king of England and compliant media groups that include the unlikely bedfellows of the ABC and now News Corp. None of these would have the foggiest idea of any actual science. They parrot slogans that start with false claims of a globe on fire, and end with an equally false claim of a globe under water, spreading fear and exaggeration through an unknowing populace. But knowledge of actual science?? None really. (more…)

The Blackout Agenda

By Viv Forbes

Solar power fails every day from sunset to sunrise as well as during rain, hail, snow or dust storms. No matter how much land we smother in subsidised solar panels, they will still fail.

Wind power fails often and unpredictably, sometimes for days, especially in quiet cold winter weather. It also shuts down during cyclones, heavy winds or icy conditions. No matter how many hills we uglify with their subsidised roads, transmission lines and bird-slicers, they will still fail.

No one notices when green energy fails (as it often does) because coal, gas and hydro keep our lights and heaters on, trains running, petrol pumping, batteries charging and dairies, abattoirs and hospitals operating. (more…)

Richard Lindzen on Climate Change

What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.

Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.

~ Richard Lindzen

CO2 Data Reveals Current CO2 Starvation

Two great sequestration periods occurred since the mid-Paleozoic and both appear to coincide with evolution of plants. The first woody plants and trees arose in the Middle Devonian and fueled the large coal swamps of the Carboniferous Period. Later explosion of the flowering plants (angiosperms) occurred in the Cretaceous. All the while additional C was being locked up in limestones. Also in high TOC (Total Organic Carbon) muds that were converted to the shale/mudrocks that we are now liberating with fracking.

Gregory R. Wrightstone
Executive Director
CO2 Coalition


Electric vehicles might be okay for suburb hopping in big cities, but I doubt there is a farm in Australia that would be able to run without any petrol or diesel. The Greens’ calls to ‘rapidly transition to electric vehicles‘ for their net zero economy by 2035 shows they have no clue of the energy requirements in transport, industry and agriculture.

Following is Malcolm Robert’s speech to the Australian Senate:

An Answer that Cannot be Questioned?

By David Brennan

I attended the IPA’s book launch of Climate Change The Facts 2020 at Sunshine Beach last week.

Jennifer Marohasy, the editor, came up with the following quotation which was new to me:

Better a question that cannot be answered than an answer that cannot be questioned.

Attributed to Richard Feynman, American theoretical physicist (1918-88), but may not be an entirely original thought by him.

It does rather sum up the state of contemporary climate science, does it not?

If you would like to buy a copy of Climate Change The Facts 2020 go here:

David Brennan

Book: Climate Change: A Politicised Storm in a Teacup

Dr. John Happs has put together a collection of articles that expose the politics and deception behind unsubstantiated claims that the trivial emissions of human-produced carbon dioxide will lead to catastrophic global warming and a host of other imaginary problems. (more…)

Aquatic Plants also need Carbon Dioxide

(Click image for larger version.)

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