Farmers will not Escape – Exemptions or Not, ETS is Still a Tax

“The farming sector will still pay more for inputs such as fertilizer,electricity,fuel and transport and because they have always been price takers you can guarantee ETS charges levied on food processors will end up being paid by the farmer.

“Exempting agriculture is like being thrown from a 10th floor window instead of a 20th floor window – the result is the same.”

Senator John Williams, Senator for NSW, Nov 2009.

Conned by Tricksters

Look at these two quotes:

Kevin Rudd at the Lowy Institute on November 6:

“The overwhelming need for Australia to tackle the great challenge of our generation is being frustrated by the do-nothing climate change sceptics. My message to the climate change sceptics, to the big betters and the big risk-takers, is this: You are betting our children’s future and the future of our grandchildren.”

Malcolm Turnbull on ABC radio’s AM, 27 Nov 09:

“This is not a game. We are talking about the future of our children and their children, we’re talking about the future of our planet. The vast majority of Australians want to see action on climate change. The issue boils down in the mind of the Australian people, which party can we trust to take effective action on climate change?”

Turnbull has already used trickery to frustrate the majority in the party room who wanted to at least delay the Ration-N-Tax Scheme.

Now Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull have devised a another tricky plan to get the CPRS Bill through the Senate on Monday 30th November, the day before the Liberal party meeting he has called for Tuesday, where he is expected to be blasted out of office.

The plan is to move the guillotine in the Senate on Monday where the ALP’s 32 senators will be supported by Turnbullite Liberal senators in sufficient numbers to pass the guillotine. Once that has been done the CPRS Bill will be immediately put to the vote, and the same coalition of ALP and Turnbullite senators will pass the Bill.

This is indeed a cunning plan and demonstrates the length of trickery to which Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull are prepared to go together to impose this monstrous regime of command and control on Australia.

Read the full document: [PDF, 91KB]

Global Warming in New Zealand is also Man Made?

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is responsible for New Zealand’s National Climate Database. This database, available online, holds all New Zealand’s climate data, including temperature readings, since the 1850s. Anybody can go and get the data for free. That was done by the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition ( and reported in a recent paper edited by Richard Treadgold.

They found that the raw data, when plotted, showed that New Zealand average temperatures have been remarkably constant, way back to the 1850’s. But the official graph produced by NIWA and provided to the IPCC showed significant “global warming” because the original data has been adjusted and strangely most of the adjustments create the warming trend. The NZCSC paper comments:

“We have discovered that the warming in New Zealand over the past 156 years was indeed man-made, but it had nothing to do with emissions of CO2-it was created by man-made adjustments of the temperature. It’s a disgrace.”

In an interesting coincidence, the original graph was prepared by Dr Jim Salinger when he worked at the Climate Research Institute at the University of East Anglia, which is now the centre of much attention because of what appears to be “adjustments” to CRU data and reports.

For the full article see: [PDF, 487 KB]

“Global Warming” is Man-Made After All

There is a colossal scandal erupting in the blogosphere, and in the better media. Someone, probably an insider offended by what he saw was going on, leaked a large volume of emails from within the global warming priesthood centred within the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, UK.

These show a pattern of manipulation, suppression and selection of data and evidence all designed to create and maintain the global warming myth. So now we know – Global Warming is man-made after all – it is created by men using manufactured data, dodgy computer models and “mates reviewed” papers by a small group of dedicated believers posing as scientists.

No one has fully assessed what it all means yet, but for a flavour of what will be revealed see:

And also:

Read the complete newsletter: [PDF, 95 KB]

The Long Solar Transition

James Marusek

Natural Climate Change continues despite Al Gore and the IPCC. The sun exhibits great variability in the strength of each solar cycle. This variability ranges from extremely quiet “Grand Minima” such as the Maunder Minimum, to very active “Grand Maxima” such as the enhanced activity observed during most of the 20th century.

But the solar Grand Maxima that has persisted during most of the 20th century has come to an abrupt end.

Solar Grand Minima events correspond to periods of dramatic natural global cooling. The Maunder Minimum (about 1645-1715 A.D.) and Spörer Minimum (about 1420-1570 A.D.) are two examples of recent “Grand Minima” events and each period has been referred to as an element of the Little Ice Age.

Complete article: [PDF, 32 KB]

Is Carbon Dioxide the Global Warming Villain? Ask One Simple Question

Norm Kalmanovitch
17 November 2009

The entire basis for the concept of global warming being caused by CO2 emissions is both predicated and dependent on the answer to a simple question:

“How much of the thermal radiation energy from the Earth in the band centred on the 14.77micron wavelength that is resonant with the vibrational mode of CO2 has already been affected by the current atmospheric CO2 concentration and how much energy remains to be affected?”

This question was never addressed by Svante Arrhenius in his seminal 1896 paper because that paper predates quantum physics and he was not aware that the process by which thermal energy is affected by CO2 is limited to a single vibrational mode with a resonant wavelength of 14.77microns.

Complete article: [PDF, 82 KB]

A Heat Wave is Hot Weather, not Global Warming

The Editor,

Someone should tell your gloating Prime Minister that just because some part of Oz is experiencing record high temperatures it does NOT mean that the ‘planet’ (as we now call it because it sounds profound) is warming. For example, NZ has had two of the coldest months on record. Places all around the world are often colder or warmer than ‘normal’. But the averages have not changed since the days of Ned Kelly’s grandfather – and before. It would be remarkable, indeed, if that were not the case.

Obviously Mr Rudd paid more attention to Mandarin than meteorology.

Keep trucking!

New Zealand

Our Future Winters May be Colder

It was the year 1799, during the “Dalton Minimum” when the sun was quiet that George Frederick Bollinger led a group of early pioneers from North Carolina to establish early settlements in Missouri. They hoped to cross their largest obstacle, the Mississippi River, on the ice, frozen solid in mid-winter.

The pioneers and their wagon train moved westward a few miles each day, making and breaking camp each night, fording the small streams and floating across the larger ones on rafts which they made from the nearby trees, following roads that were barely trails through forests and valleys.

They arrived on the east bank of the Mississippi River opposite St. Genevieve in late December, pitched camp and explored potential river crossings. St. Genevieve is located about a 100 miles downstream from St. Louis. Winter had come early and the Mississippi river was already covered with ice. It was bitterly cold. They determined the ice was not yet thick enough to support a crossing of ox-carts and covered wagons. Daily the thickness of the ice was measured and then on Dec. 31, a chopped hole in the ice indicated thickness well over two feet. They tested the ice by making a few trips across on foot and horseback. The believed the ice was thick enough to support a loaded wagon.

As a test, a wagon was selected to be driven across with no one riding and the driver would walk ahead watching the ice and leading his team. The trip across and back to camp was made without the ice cracking and preparations were made for an early crossing New Year’s Day.

The next morning final preparations were made to break camp and all supplies were loaded. The weather remained bitter cold with dark skies overhead and light snow falling, but the decision had been made to cross and there was no turning back. The group was devout German Reformed Protestants and they gathered together in the early cold gray dawn to seek guidance from their God for a safe crossing.

The cracking of whips like pistol shots rang out over the heads of the oxen to coax them out onto the ice; the crossing had began. All that were able, walked to lighten the loaded wagons, keeping a safe distance from the wagons, which were also spaced far apart to lessen the danger of breaking the ice. The crossing was made successfully with no mishaps, except extremely cold hands and feet.

The townsfolk of St. Genevieve had built a large fire to welcome and warm these new settlers. Safely across the Mississippi, they were relieved of their crossing fears and enjoyed the local hospitality. They exchanged news from the East for information of what they might expect ahead. Needed supplies were purchased and even the weather abated a little as the sun broke through the clouds. They settled along the Whitewater River where the soil was rich.

We are transitioning into Solar Cycle (SC) 24 and the sun has become fairly quiet. During most of the last century (SC 16-23) the sun has been in a Grand Maxima. As a result the Earth has experienced warming. But with SC 24 the sun is again changing states. From the peak year 1998, the lower Troposphere temperatures globally have already fallen around 1/2 degree Celsius. This is despite the fact that during that same time period, atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen 5% from 367 ppm to 386 ppm. Several solar scientist are predicting the sun will slide into a “Dalton Minimum” event in SC 25, about a decade from now. If that happens, the Earth will experience some bitterly cold winters for several decades.

The winters may once again resemble the winters 200 years ago during the time of the early pioneers. Imagine for a minute the west fork of the White River near Bloomfield freezing into a block of ice two feet thick.

James A. Marusek
Bloomfield USA

First published Greene County Daily Word, 19 Mar 2009.

Consensus vs Conviction

“No leader in history led by consensus – all great leaders lead by conviction”.

Margaret Thatcher

Carbon Capture & Burial also Wastes Energy

Here is another Monument to the Madness of CCB (carbon capture and burial) – it needs a lot of energy – currently estimated to require 30% of the output of a power station.

So in order to satisfy the existing market for electricity, we would have to build a new power station for every three existing ones just to provide the power to capture and bury, not just the CO2 from the existing ones, but also from the new one as well.

Most coal fired power stations are about 33% efficient. Put simply, they burn 3 tonnes of coal to get the equivalent energy of 1 tonne. With CCB, they will now burn 4 tonnes of coal and increase CO2 emissions by 33% for the same useful output.

If however we spend the money required for CCB on increasing the efficiency of thermal power stations even to a modest 50%, they would only need to burn 2 tonnes of coal to get the equivalent energy of 1 tonne and that alone will reduce CO2 emissions by 33%.

Combined cycle is already at 50% and China has been developing super critical boiler temperatures which they claim will be 50% efficient.

But what does Government do? They introduce a tax, as a solution which may not work, for a problem which may not exist.

Clive Gard MIE Aust

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