Submission to Garnaut Review – Emissions Trading – a Weapon of Mass Taxation
Carbon Sense Coalition submission to the Garnaut Review, Emissions Trading – A Weapon of Mass Taxation.pdf [PDF 113KB]
Submission to Garnaut Review – Emissions Trading – a Weapon of Mass TaxationCarbon Sense Coalition submission to the Garnaut Review, Emissions Trading – A Weapon of Mass Taxation.pdf [PDF 113KB] Submission to Garnaut Review – The Climate is Changing, NaturallyCarbon Sense Coalition submission to the Garnaut Review, The Climate is Changing, Naturally [PDF 97KB] Viv Forbes Audio Interview with PRODOSThe chairman of The Carbon Sense Coalition, Mr Viv Forbes, was recently (4th April 2008) interviewed by PRODOS. The interview may be listened to here: All Cows are GreenThe Carbon Sense Coalition today called on all farmers and those who eat farm products to raise their voices in opposition to the silly proposals of Australian and New Zealand governments to include emissions and motions from farm animals as a taxable carbon emission. The chairman of “Carbon Sense” Mr Viv Forbes, claimed that New Zealand has already agreed to include farm animal emissions in their taxable emissions output and Prof Garnaut is also thinking of driving Australian farmers to the Kyoto bail for a similar milching. The Solar Climate Driver, and a Forecast of cooler timesBy David Archibald Do we live in a special time in which the laws of physics and nature are suspended? No, we do not. Can we expect relationships between the Sun’s activity and climate, that we can see in data going back several hundred years, to continue for at least another 20 years? With absolute certainty. In this presentation, I will demonstrate that the Sun drives climate, and use that demonstrated relationship to predict the Earth’s climate to 2030. It is a prediction that differs from most in the public domain. It is a prediction of imminent cooling. The full text continues in the PDF file (770KB): An audio version of this paper given at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change is here: Who Funds the Carbon Sense Coalition?[A journalist (“Louise”) asked recently who funds the Carbon Sense Coalition.] I and a few friends around Australia and overseas founded the Coalition. I have paid for the business registrations, web servers and all such related matters. No one has reimbursed me. A computer friend built the web site and has not sent a bill. He maintains our web site and has not sent a bill. Other members have helped with research, editing and writing, and none have been paid for it. |