AFS – APOCALYPSE FATIGUE SYNDROMEAFS – APOCALYPSE FATIGUE SYNDROME Hon Keith DeLacy AM As an inherently impressionable person I have been dealing with the coming apocalypse all my life. It started with the bible. The Book of Revelation in the New Testament vividly warned of impending doom, and many of the Hebrew prophets forecast the apocalypse. Pope Sylvester II at the beginning of the millennium year 1000, predicted the Millennium Apocalypse, the end of the world. Riots occurred throughout Europe and pilgrims headed to Jerusalem seeking salvation. And the Apocalypse was always associated with sin, it was deserved. “And these will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:40) If I had been thinking sinful thoughts, I trembled at night, dreaming of the fires of hell. There was no escape. Thomas Malthus wrote an Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798 and became the preeminent father of doom. Unchecked population growth would lead to inevitable catastrophe – population growth was exponential while the growth in food supply was arithmetical. We were impressionable kids, we grew up with Malthusiasm, waiting for doomsday. It was a compelling argument. Yet 200 years later, despite exponential population growth the world is so much wealthier and better fed. The Malthusian apocalypse was no better than Pope Sylvester’s. Paul Erhlich became a cult figure in the 1970’s. Malthus’ inability to deliver on his population apocalypse proved no deterrence to Erhlich. He wrote The Population Bomb in 1968 forecasting that “sometime between 1970 and 85 the world will undergo vast famines, hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death.” The Muddled Models of the IPCCKey IPCC quotes The fifth and latest IPCC assessment report, published in 2013, showed that climate models failed to predict the absence of warming from 1998 and 2012, and that climate scientists have no clear idea of why they failed. (NB. I have added the bolding in the following extracts.)
IN MY SIMPLER WORDS … 1 – According to statistical practices the trend in temperature from 1998 to 2012 (the 15 years prior to the report being drafted) falls somewhere between slight warming and slight cooling. In other words there is no certainty that any warming occurred. 2 – Despite claims of the accuracy of climate models most of the model runs (97%) wrongly predicted warming from 1998 to 2012. 3 – The IPCC is admitting that “some models” – we are not told how many, so maybe it’s almost all – exaggerate the influence of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. 4 – The models could be wrong for a number of very basic and general reasons; the IPCC really doesn’t know why the models failed. John McLean, Leading IPCC reviewer. Dung beetles ate our climate-history!Or “Droughts and Extreme Weather are Nothing New.” Outpourings of climate bulldust over recent decades have been more alarming than changes in the climate. Drought and above-average temperatures during recent El Niño-dominated years from 2001 to 2010 were deliberately and relentlessly marketed as global-warming. Driven incestuously by WWF and its Wentworth Group; green groups; Climate Commissioners; and a bunch of pretend-institutes, superlatives flew-up every greasy-pole out through talking-heads into the community’s ear. Australians endured an endless chatter-based marketing campaign involving the ABC, CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology that intertwined CO2; the hot/critical decade; Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) “health”; and the carbon tax; grinding them into our national psyche. Science was reorganised with rivers of tax-payers cash enticing once-proud universities to lend brand to the cause. Every hot/cold/dry/wet day, clamouring professors popped out of disused broom-cupboards across the land, waving models and “new reports”. It was an overt scientifically-disingenuous beat-up. Read the full paper: [PDF, 20 KB] Green Energy Policy? – “Nothing that Works”Source: Modern industrial society commenced with the use of coal and oil to power factories, trains, But the dark greens have a dream to dismantle all this, and return society to the hunter/gatherer In an unguarded moment Maurice Strong, a leader of the international green movement, said: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our Greens have thus gleefully spread the global warming scare to justify a massive political war on “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is To mask their real aim of de-energising modern industry, they continually promote “alternative The only alternatives to coal, oil and gas for stable, reliable and economical grid power are Nuclear power could be one of our cheapest and safest energy sources. However greens have They are in favour of hydro, providing it does not disturb one fish or frog on their favourite river. But they continually spruik the benefits of wind and solar power. Wind/solar can be useful in some mobile or remote locations, and for some people with deep Another dark green leader, Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountains Institute, said: “It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, The world focus on carbon dioxide is simply a useful tool in a much larger political agenda: Read more, as well as:
Read the full report: [PDF: 156KB] Keywords: Green Energy, alarmism, UN, Agenda 21, hydrogen energy, pollution, smog, greenhouse effect, missing heat, UK rejects greens. One Wrong Equation in the Computerised Climate Models caused the Global Warming ScareRed Faces all round among the profiteers of doom. A wrong equation that falsely triples the tiny direct warming caused by doubling CO2 concentration has been discovered and exposed in a major peer-reviewed paper just published in the Science Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the world’s top learned journals. No rogue equation, no climate crisis. For more information see: [PDF, 541KB] Keywords: Climate modelling; Monckton, Soon, Legates, Briggs, Bode, CO2 sensitivity. The Global Warming Scare is Based on an Error in Feedback AssumptionsA group of leading climate researchers has identified a fatal flaw in the climate models that leads them to produce triple the global warming predicted from doubling the CO2 in the air. CO2 in the atmosphere has some warming effect on Earth’s climate, but undisputed science shows that each additional CO2 molecule we emit has less warming effect than all its predecessors already in the air. The direct warming effect of doubling the CO2 in the air is generally agreed to be little more than 1 C°. However climate models produce exaggerated warming forecasts by assuming that strongly positive or amplifying temperature feedbacks, such as the increased capacity of warmer air to carry water vapour, a greenhouse gas. They assume that these positive feedbacks will turn 1 C° of direct warming into 3 C° of imagined catastrophe. They model this assumed feedback with a feedback system-gain equation which is at the heart of every climate model. The equation, however, is borrowed from electronic circuitry. It is not applicable to dynamical systems such as the Earth’s atmosphere. However, a growing body of learned papers in the climate-science journals (e.g. Lindzen & Choi, 2009, 2011; Spencer & Braswell, 2010, 2011) consider that climate feedbacks are net-negative, moderating rather than intensifying the 1 C° direct warming from a CO2 doubling. The Science is Settled?Climate Research needs Re-direction Governments are running huge deficits, but still spend billions on “climate research” especially trying to model the effect of the atmosphere and its trace of carbon dioxide on surface temperature. Benefits are hard to find. It may have improved weather forecasts by a day or so, but official long-term predictions have not improved in the last fifty years. This is because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not the main driver of weather or climate. “What is referred to reverently as “climate research” is mainly just grubby advocacy supporting the political war on carbon. Why are we still funding scientists who believe that “the science is settled”? If they believe that they know the answers, what are they are doing with their research funds?” Around the world there are five official weather data-bases, about 14 weather satellites (some say there are 88 of them!), 73 climate computer models, at least 30 research groups and thousands of academics receiving grants and attending never-ending climate conferences. Much of this torrent of public money is now focussed on trying to torture a climate confession out of one normally un-noticed and totally innocent trace gas in the atmosphere – carbon dioxide. The major determinants of surface weather are latitude, earth’s rotation, the seasons, the sun with its variable radiations and orbital changes; and nearness to the oceans which maintain the water cycle, moderate temperatures and house massive volcanic chains. Read more, as well as:
Read the full report: [PDF, 280KB] Keywords: Climate research, climate models, oceans, volcanoes, ice ages, biofuels, IPCC, snow storms. |